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Mental Health: Support and Resources

For Immediate Support 24/7/365

  • Franklin County Crisis Line
    (Nationwide Children's Hospital, 17 & under): 614-722-1800
  • Netcare Crisis Line (18 & over): 614-276-2273
  • Delaware County Helpline: 1-800-684-2324
Click for information on how to Help Children and Teens Through the Grief Process
Click for link for Westerville Schools K-12 School Counselors & Clinicians
Click for common and normal grief reactions
Click link for the Westerville Schools

School Counselors (Counselor List)

School Counselors are available in every district school should your student or family need support. 

Student Assistance Program

At the high school level, in addition to School Counselors, we have Student Assistance Program professionals who are trained clinicians able to provide assessment, education, counseling, and referral services in order to address student issues/concerns that may impact their well-being and/or academic performance.

Partnership with Concord Counseling

We enjoy a strong partnership with Concord Counseling and can help families access its various programs should they need support beyond that which our schools can provide. Specialized programs and services are available for children, teens and young adults of all ages. At the middle school level, we have four full-time clinicians who are available to assist students and families on a daily basis. Additionally, Concord offers no-cost assessments for our elementary students and families who need support. This referral comes from the building level administrator or counselor and the subsequent assessment is completed at Concord Counseling offices.