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Student Fee Schedule

Elementary (GRADES PreK-5) Fee Schedule


The general instructional materials fee for grades Pre-K-5 as indicated for each grade level in the  following table covers the cost of consumable items in the following categories: 

  1. Paper and student record keeping folders  
  2. Art supplies (clay, paper, paste, paint, etc.)  
  3. Science supplies  
  4. Math supplies (straws, yarn, dry erase markers, graph paper, etc.)  
  5. Printer cartridges and other technology-related consumable supplies  

All Day Kindergarten (ADK) tuition is $3,000.00 per year or $300.00 per month for 10 months. (Aug –  May) 

Tuition Assistance is available through an application process.  For qualifying families, tuition will be  adjusted based on gross income per the below chart. 

Elementary Fee Schedule: PreK-5




General Instructional Materials Fee










Grade 1-5




All Day Kindergarten (ADK)

Tuition is $3,000.00 per year or $300.00 per month for 10 months. (Aug – May)

Tuition Assistance is available through an application process. For qualifying families, tuition will be
adjusted based on gross income per the below chart.

2024-2025 Annual Income Guidelines (based on GROSS income)
  Annual ADK Tuition
Household Size $0/year $400/year $1,500/year
2 $25,644 $36,492 $47,328
3 $32,328 $45,996 $59,664
4 $39,000 $55,500 $72,000
5 $45,684 $65,016 $84,336
6 $52,368 $74,520 $96,672
For each additional family member $6,684 $9,504 $12,336

Middle School (GRADES 6-8) Fee Schedule


  1. The general instructional materials fee for grades 6-8 is $40.00. 
    The general instructional materials fee includes consumable items in the following categories: 
    1. Paper and student portfolio folders
    2. Science and Social Studies consumable materials (e.g., specimens, chemicals, lab supplies,  field supplies)  
    3. Printer cartridges and other technology-related consumable supplies.  
  2. Extracurricular fees are $75.00 for the first sport, $50.00 for the second sport, and $0.00 for the  third sport.  
  3. There is a family cap of $300.00 for extracurricular fees. For the purpose of this guideline, the  Westerville City School District determines a family to be all students officially residing in the same  household, and siblings for reasons including but not limited to: death of guardian(s), divorce, etc.,  are residing in separate households within the Westerville City School District’s attendance  boundaries.
    Please note that in addition to the required extracurricular fees that are assessed by Westerville City Schools, students may be asked to cover additional costs associated with optional  activities and experiences that are not assessed by Westerville City Schools and do not count  towards the family cap for extracurricular fees. 
  4. Course specific fees are listed below:  
Department Course(s) Cost
Mathematics Math 6
Math 7
Accelerated Math 7/8
Math 8
A scientific calculator is required. The district primarily uses Texas Instruments (TI) calculators, and the recommended model is the TI-34 MultiView. Students may use the same scientific calculator for all middle school mathematics courses.
Algebra 1
Honors Geometry
All high school level mathematics courses require a graphing calculator. The district primarily uses Texas Instruments (TI) calculators. Please check with the teacher for the model that will work best for the course selected. The two calculators most likely to be used are the TI-Nspire CX Graphing Calculator or the TI-84 Plus CE Graphing Calculator. Students may use the same graphing calculator for all high school mathematics courses, college entrance exams, and college coursework.

High School (GRADES 9-12) Fee Schedule


  1. The general instructional materials fee is $30.00 for all students. There may be other course  specific fees for consumable materials. The general instructional materials fee includes  consumable materials in the following categories:  
    1. Paper  
    2. Construction paper, drawing paper, and drafting supplies  
    3. Printer cartridges and other technology-related consumable supplies  
  2. Class Dues: To assist with class dues/school activities, senior pictures for the yearbook, and  graduation ceremony expenses, an annual class dues/school activity fee will be assessed in the  amount of $5.00 per student per year.  
  3. The replacement fee for a second photo identification card will be $5.00.  
  4. A school campus parking permit is $15 per student per semester or $30.00 per student per year.
  5. Assessment Fees
    1. Advanced Placement - Fee is established by the College Board  
      • Test fee: approximately - $98.00 each  
    2. International Baccalaureate - Fee is established by the International Baccalaureate Org.
      • Test fee: approximately $119.00 per test  
  6. Extracurricular fees are $150.00 for the first sport, $75.00 for the second sport, and $0.00 for the  third sport.  
  7. There is a family cap of $300.00 for extracurricular fees. For the purpose of this guideline, the  Westerville City School District determines a family to be all students officially residing in the same  household, and siblings for reasons including but not limited to: death of guardian(s), divorce, etc.,  are residing in separate households within the Westerville City School District’s attendance  boundaries.
    Please note that in addition to the required extracurricular fees that are assessed by Westerville City Schools, students may be asked to cover additional costs associated with optional  activities and experiences that are not assessed by Westerville City Schools and do not count  towards the family cap for extracurricular fees. 
  8. Course specific fees are listed below: 





All Mathematics Classes

All high school level mathematics courses  require a graphing calculator. The district  primarily uses Texas Instruments (TI)  calculators. Please check with the teacher  for the model that will work best for the  course selected. The two calculators most  likely to be used are the TI-Nspire CX  Graphing Calculator or the TI-84 Plus CE  Graphing Calculator. Students may use  the same graphing calculator for all high  school mathematics and science courses,  college entrance exams, and college  coursework.


AP Chemistry
AP Physics C

AP Chemistry and AP Physics C require a  graphing calculator. The district primarily  uses Texas Instruments (TI) calculators.  Please check with the teacher for the  model that will work best for the course  selected. The two calculators most likely  to be used are the TI-Nspire CX Graphing  Calculator or the TI-84 Plus CE Graphing  Calculator. Students may use the same  graphing calculator for all high school  science and mathematics courses, college  entrance exams, and college coursework

Refund Schedule


The Westerville City Schools will refund only those monies collected for consumable materials to  students and/or parents. Refunds will be processed through the Treasurer's Office with a Refund  Voucher. 

Refunds to students withdrawing from school are as follows:

Before the end of the FIRST NINE-WEEKS PERIOD

Grade Amount
Preschool  $11.63
Kindergarten  $13.88
Grades 1-5  $22.50
Grades 6-8  $30.00
Grades 9-12  $22.50


Before the end of the SECOND NINE-WEEKS PERIOD

Grade Amount
Preschool  $7.75
Kindergarten  $9.25
Grades 1-5  $15.00
Grades 6-8  $20.00
Grades 9-12  $15.00


Before the end of the THIRD NINE-WEEKS PERIOD

Grade Amount
Preschool  $3.88
Kindergarten  $4.63
Grades 1-5  $7.50
Grades 6-8  $10.00
Grades 9-12  $7.50


There will be no refunds to students withdrawing after the onset of the fourth nine-week period.

Students who paid fees will be refunded at the following rates:  

  • First nine weeks: 75% of the fee  
  • Second nine weeks: 50% of the fee  
  • Third nine weeks: 25% of the fee

Prorating of Fees 

The District will prorate fees for students who start after the beginning of the year using the following  parameters:

  • If the student starts during the 1st 9 weeks, 100% of the fees will be charged.
  • If the student starts during the 2nd 9 weeks, 75% of the fees will be charged.
  • If the student starts during the 3rd 9 weeks, 50% of the fees will be charged.
  • If the student starts during the 4th 9 weeks, 25% of the fees will be charged.