Hope Squad
All three Westerville high schools successfully launched Hope Squads in the Fall of 2021. We will continue to grow and strengthen this program at all high schools. Our participation in this national, peer-to-peer suicide prevention program will only continue to be as successful as the interest and involvement of our students.
Hope Squad is a school-based program that empowers students to be the ears and eyes of their school. Student advisors receive training that equips them with the knowledge and awareness needed to recognize mental health/suicide warning signs, as well as the procedures to properly report those concerns to an adult in a timely manner. Staff advisors are identified and trained in techniques that support the program as well.
Current 8th-11th grade students will have an opportunity to learn about Hope Squads and then nominate their peers to be considered for a student leader role in the program. Please read the following information and be sure to make your student aware of this upcoming opportunity to become involved:
Q. What is the purpose of Hope Squads?
A. The purpose of this program is to improve education about mental health and suicide while also working to improve access and availability to appropriate prevention services to youth who are at risk for suicide.
Q. If selected, what will be expected of my child?
A. The Hope Squad Program functions as a peer support team. The goal is to provide friendship, encouragement, and support for students who may be struggling. Selected student leaders will be trained, attend regular meetings, and help promote positive mental health and wellness in their high school. Your child will not be asked to act as a counselor, but rather will be trained to refer student peers to a trusted adult for help.
If your child is selected, you will receive additional information in order to make the best decision with your child at that time.
In Partnership with
Information / Overview
Parents & Caregivers Introduction
What is it? Why do it? How does it work?
Press Release