Extracurricular Activities for Home Educated & Private School Students
Nicholas McIlwain
Director, Alternative Education & Assessment
Molly Bussard, Administrative Assistant
(614) 797-7753 / (614) 797-7750 EXT: 56102
Access to Extracurricular Activities for Students Educated at Home and Nonpublic School Students
According to Ohio law, a student who is educated at home may participate in any extracurricular activity offered at the public school he or she otherwise would attend if not being educated at home.
Similarly, a student who is enrolled in a nonpublic school is entitled to participate in any extracurricular activity at the public school he or she otherwise would attend if not enrolled in a nonpublic school, providing the extracurricular activity is not offered by the nonpublic school of attendance.
Eligibility Requirements
In order to participate in any extracurricular activity as detailed above, a student being educated at home or enrolled in a nonpublic school must be the appropriate age and grade level for the school that offers the extracurricular activity and must fulfill the same academic, nonacademic and financial requirements as any other participant as specified in Board policy, administrative guidelines, the student handbooks and/or the Athletic Handbook. A student being educated at home must meet the following academic requirements:
- If the student received education at home in the preceding grade period, the student shall meet any academic requirements established by the State Board of Education for the continuation of home schooling.
- If the student did not receive education at home in the preceding grading period, the student’s academic performance during the preceding grading period shall have met any academic standards for eligibility to participate in the program established by the District.
- Eligibility for a student who leaves a school district mid-year for home education shall be determined based on an interim academic assessment issued by the district in which the student was enrolled based on the student’s work while enrolled in the District.
- Any student who commences home education after the beginning of a school year and who is, at the time home education commences, ineligible to participate in an extracurricular activity due to failure to meet academic standards or any other requirements of the District shall not participate in the extracurricular activity until the student meets the academic requirements established by the State Board of Education for continuation of home education as verified by the Superintendent. No student shall be eligible to participate in the same semester in which the student was determined ineligible.
No eligible home educated or nonpublic school student will be charged fees in excess of those charged to other students for participation in the same extracurricular activity.
Information / Eligibility
Process for Participating in Westerville City School District Extracurricular Activities
Private/Home Education School Student Residency Verification Form
Extracurricular Activities
- District Extracurricular Activities List
- District Athletics Site
- Physical Evaluation Form
- Code of Conduct
- Concussion Information
- Athlete Data Form
- PTP fees
- OHSAA forms and information
- All building Athletic Directors - Bylaw 4-3 Information