Senate Bill 288, Erin’s Law
This legislation updated the prescribed curriculum for health education, adding requirements related to child sexual abuse prevention, dating violence prevention and sexual violence prevention. The law also includes parent and legal guardian notification and training for school personnel.
Grades K-6
Schools are now required to provide developmentally appropriate instruction in child sexual abuse prevention to students in grades kindergarten through six. This instruction is to occur annually and include information on available counseling and resources for children who are sexually abused.
Middle School and High School Health Classes
Schools are also required to provide developmentally appropriate instruction in dating violence prevention education and sexual violence prevention education to students in grades seven through twelve. This instruction will take place in Health class and must include recognizing dating violence warning signs and characteristics of healthy relationships. This content has been part of our curriculum since 2010.
Review of Senate Bill 288 Materials
Under state law (Ohio Revised Code 3313.60), parents and legal guardians have the right to review the curriculum material related to child sexual abuse and sexual violence prevention. You may review curriculum materials by providing a written request to your child’s principal. Upon receiving the request, the principal will allow the parent or guardian to examine curriculum materials at the school within 48 hours.
You may exempt your child from participating in any part of the district’s child sexual abuse prevention and sexual violence prevention education. Your child’s principal will be making the opt-out form available to families soon. If you choose to opt your child out of this instruction, your child’s teacher may assign alternative health lessons or activities unrelated to this topic. Your child will not be subject to any disciplinary action, academic penalty, or other sanction.
K-5 Parent Notification of SB288