Westerville City Schools use the FinalForms online platform to manage Extra- and Co-Curricular forms, including physicals, emergency medical forms, permission slips, and concussion protocols. FinalForms enables parents/guardians to complete and sign all participation forms for their child and review their child's status within the given activity. Additionally, it is a communication tool for building teams and coaches of the specific sports the athlete is interested in.
NOTE: Students will not be permitted to participate unless all documents are completed in FinalForms.
Create a FinalForms Account:
Go to:
Locate the parent icon and click NEW ACCOUNT. You must be a parent or guardian to create this account and begin the process.
- Enter your legal name, date of birth, and email address. You will be asked to confirm your email address.
- Check your email for an Account Confirmation Email from FinalForms Mailman.
Note: You will receive an email prompting to confirm and complete your registration within two minutes. If you do not receive the email, check your spam folder. If you still cannot find it, email support@finalforms.com for assistance.
- Once you receive and open the email, click CONFIRM YOUR ACCOUNT.
- Create your new FinalForms password, then click CONFIRM ACCOUNT.
- Click REGISTER STUDENT to register your first child.