MY BUS / Transportation Services
125 E. Walnut Street
Westerville, Oh 43081
Dispatch: (614) 797-5950
Fax: (614) 797-5951
Contact Transportation Services
Our team can better review and address your inquiry by utilizing this form via the link below.
When you use the system for the first time, you will be asked to Register as an FMX Community Member.
Once completed, click on the New Request button in the top right corner.
You will also be able to track the status of your request and we can utilize this system to reply to your inquiry.
Click HERE
Thank you for your patience as we work to arrange and schedule transportation for over 10,000 students.
PLEASE NOTE: Students who are eligible for transportation will automatically be assigned and schedules will populate in PowerSchool. It is not necessary to use the above FMX system to request transportation services.
Randy Snyder
Coordinator, Transportation
Mildred Baumann
Assistant Manager, Transportation
Antawn Sidberry
Assistant Manager, Transportation
Shawn Dawson
Assistant Manager, Fleet Services
Alan Hunt
Transportation Student Safety Liaison
Lea Gilg
Rhonda Columbro
Secretary/Dispatcher (MyVan Program)
Alyssa Voigt
Preventing & responding to bullying on school district transportation.
A resource provided by TransFinder
Information about
- Attendance Area Map -- Interactive: An interactive map to identify your child's school of attendance based upon home address.
- Quick Start Guide: Understand your student's busing information in PowerSchool.
- Specific busing information is in the PowerSchool Parent Portal
- Search your address for your Home School of Attendance
- HERE is some information about transportation for KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS
Career Center FAQs
Adopted from the Ohio Department of Education
- Who is eligible to receive busing for their schools?
- I cannot see my child’s bus stop from the house. Are there laws with standards for bus stop location?
- Are sidewalks required for my child to get to his/her bus stop?
- I make my child wait inside of my house until the bus is at the stop. I have heard this is not allowed – is this true?