Food Service
Food Service Office
936 Eastwind Drive, Suite 200
Westerville, OH 43081
614-797-5993/ Fax: (614) 797-5901
Brent Kasler
Director, Food Services
Daniel Parton
Coordinator, Food Service
Elaine Adams
Coordinator, Food Service
Stephanie Arnold
Food Service Secretary
(614) 797-5993 / Fax: (614) 797-5901
Account and Meal Information
- Meal Applications
- Adding money to an account
- Refunds of Lunch Money
- School Closings Impact Menus
- Food Service Managers & School/Satellite Information
Meal Applications
Adding money to an account
Refunds of Lunch Money
School Closings Impact Menus
Food Service Managers & School/Satellite Information
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Allergen Information
- Allergen Form: Allergen information and forms (cafeteria form is last page)
- Resource Guide For Supporting Children with Life-Threatening Allergies (ag5335)
Food Service Announcements
- Free & Reduced Price Lunch waivers should be filled out as an E-Form on PowerSchool in the Parent Portal.
- USDA Nondiscrimination Statement
Refunds & Donations
- Refund / Donation Form
Please fill out this form for graduating seniors or if you are leaving the district to get a lunch refund, transfer to another student, or donate lunch funds to students with a need. All funds for all grades follow the child through each grade and do not need to be refunded yearly.
Biometric Finger Scanning
- Biometric Finger Scanning-English
- Biometric Finger Scanning-Spanish
- Biometric Finger Scanning-Somali
District Policy
- Food Service (p8500)
- Wellness (p8510)
- Free and Reduced-Price Meals (p8531)
- Vending Machines (p8540)
- Competitive Food Sales (p8550)
Triennial Wellness Assessment Update
Ohio Department of Education and Workforces
Additional Information
Nutrition Websites
- Choose My Plate: USDA Food Group Information
- Tray Talk: Communities for Healthy School Meals
- Eatright: American Dietetic Association