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FMP Progress Report

Westerville City School District residents on November 5, 2019, approved a combined operating levy/bond issue to support district operations and fund Phase 1 of the district’s 10-Year Facilities Master Plan (FMP). The plan, necessary in part to manage projected enrollment growth, includes the following projects:

  • More safety and security updates at all schools (some updates previously funded outside of bond issue);
  • Renovations and additions at Annehurst and Whittier elementary schools;
  • Renovations at Hawthorne Elementary School;
  • Infrastructure updates at Emerson, Hanby and Longfellow elementary schools; and
  • A new elementary school and a new middle school in the southern end of the district.

In the spirit of transparency and accountability to our community, the following information provides a summary overview, progress report, and financial details for each of these Phase 1 projects.